miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2024

The one about "The Guardian"

 So, I've been reading The Guardian , more specifically the On my radar section, and there where 2 intresting topics that came to my attention. The tv and concerts, wich both spoke about things I actually really enjoy.

The TV secction spoke about "The Decameron". Although more commonly known for the 1353 book of the same name by Giovanni Boccaccio, this adaptation is more of a modern tragic-comedy heavely inspired by the original book and the place it takes time in. This vertion of The Decameron partakes in topicks of love of a sapphic nature and POC being noble people (wich was fround uppon and illigal in the middle ages, even leading to death). 

On the other hand, the concerts section spoke about Chappell Roan. Or as she says, your favorite artist's favorite artist. It seems as if she appeard out of thin air into fame, but she has been releasing music since anout 2012. Maybe even before that.
She has a kind of Drag persona. The way she dresses and performs could easily be categorized as drag. Jus because of the fact that she transforms herself into a character to perform for others.

(Yes, the title is a reference to every Friends title)

miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2024

A fun day out! :)

 The last fun day i had was acctualy last weekend!

My boyfriend and I went to Reñaca beach from friday to sunday to spend some time together (because of university we hadn't had time to see each other ) It was really lovely to be with him for the whole weekend.

It all started on friday when we left for th beach in what felt like the longest drive ever! Usualy, driving there takes an hour and a half, but this time it took 3 WHOLE HOURS!! We where so hungry and had to drive ever so sloly because of the traffic. But eventualy we made it save and sound to where we were staying at. We were so tired we just ended up ordering out some gohans for supper before going out to play pool. Im usualy preatty deacent at pool, but i dont know what came over me that night that i just ended up loosing all 3 rounds ! Least to say, i was really ashamed of my self and my skills, or in this case, lack there of.

Anyways, Saturday was a chill day, we cooked lasaña in a pan to down grade the mess lasaña usualy is, we saw a movie and a couple of episodes of the show we are currently watching and we went to a feria artesanal.


The one about "The Guardian"

 So, I've been reading The Guardian , more specifically the On my radar section, and there where 2 intresting topics that came to my att...